Thursday, 29 September 2022

Tools of Their Trade

Photo by 
Matt Artz on Unsplash

Talking underhandedly

behind shadows on the wall

Hidden in between the light

They conspire a hand to call

Right or left or either option

Maybe a balance weighed

Where outcomes seek to satisfy

The devious game they played

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Goodday Sunday

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Sitting easy Sunday sun-up style

Coffee cooling while I wait

Assuming the aroma swirl

Will revive my conscious state

Enjoying how my pondering

Continues sending me encrypts

For me to rearrange at will

In other packets now unzipped

I like to keep things undemanding

And let my Sunday streams flow free

In a cup of creamy patterns

As I unravel being me

Be With You At The Rendezvous

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Here is sweet September

Passing days, we rearrange

By gathering our summer gains

We celebrate the season's change


The bountiful behind us now

Assessing needs for savings

Progressing to mid-winter bleak

Where longing fosters cravings


Send a message to our family

Warm-hearted welcome to our friends

To join with us when darker days

We share the best that love extends

Friday, 16 September 2022

Seize the Day


Picture by Gordon Thomas Rattray Hannah @tomrattpoet

These falling days from easy times
Birds are circling high
Portentous skies say wild goodbyes
A lonesome rider passing by

Heading home for shelter
Before the light entirely fades
Reflecting on the evening sky
Shrouds of cloudy grey parades

Monday, 12 September 2022


In wondering the how and why
We discover truth fantastic
Looking deep in microscopes
Reassured that we’re not plastic

In movement, we are being us
Through and through we live
In discovering our consciousness
We understand what we must give

Wishing wells of aspirations
In a friendly local bar
Pursuing those realities
That brought us here thus far

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Nuit blanche


Photo by Devon Divine on Unsplash


Early hours Sunday morning

And everything is still

A dripping tap of emptiness

Little else to fit the bill


Still, I wonder why the hurry

There’s nothing here but night

Just a momentary wandering

On a heavy eyelid flight


In this present bare vacuity

Surrounded by a static scene

I let the night pervade again

A second chance to dream

Friday, 9 September 2022


Photo by Echo Wang on Unsplash 

Water flows unyielding

Expanding and contracting

On its way regardless

Many obstacles impacting


Trading with the winding turns

Resistance met with heart

Burbling with encouragement

Driven by each testing part


Determined bold unfaltering

Sustaining ways and means

Seeking trails to brand new days

Where continuance convenes


Thursday, 8 September 2022

A Conspiracy of Fantasy

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash


My Sleepyhead is mulling

Painting pictures in my night

Like spasms in my chasms

They hint though out of sight


Passing quickly leaving afterglows

On all that went before

Suggesting to my dream machine

Something washed up on a shore


Writing story books fantastic

That we never quite recall

How greater things beyond our grasp

Do not exist at all

Wednesday, 7 September 2022



Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

In my bag of shapelessness

Where formlessness resides

I concentrate on notions

Whereon whims I don’t decide


When my fancies offer choices

I let my reveries presume

Where the boundaries and borders

Do not circumscribe my room


In these shadow-like suggestions

Where unknown causes keep the scores

Conclusions have no aftermaths

Nor what matters anymore

Breath of Fresh Air


Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

The shrub outback

Has grown two feet

Superbly high and mighty

Flower power

Each day I greet

Brilliant bright and sprightly

Nature's master

Art displayed

Frames my window view

Delights to see

Enchanting me

Softly Lilac scented hue

Monday, 5 September 2022

On the Inside Looking Out


Photo by Marina Khrapova on Unsplash

The one who lived inside oneself

Made plans for one’s escape

Did not care to share one’s plan

Nor commit it to a shape


Independence is the future

Where every option is a choice

Speaking through another’s mouthpiece

Somehow deficient in one voice


Many changes now considered

On the state of being in

By leaping out of inside trails

No longer hide beneath a skin

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Run for Cover


Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

August tending traces

Of Summer’s last hurrahs

Seeing close-down messages

From alignments in the stars

Preparation for the changes

Carried out without delay

Cower down as seasons harden

As falling leaves begin to stray

Unkindly nights bring colder days

Rising heating bills declare

How furnace costs must now give way

To winter coats and shelter wear

Friday, 2 September 2022


Photo by Riccardo Fissore on Unsplash 

All in a stew and dithering

Stretched out under strain

Feeling the dawdling pressure 

Hoping sun won’t fade to rain


Agitated spinning frantically

Too much drawn out on my list

Expectations causing vision blur

Is there something I have missed


Flustered tedious ramblings

Vibrating in a state of nerves

Perhaps there’s no solution

Another speeding ball that curves