Saturday 31 August 2024

Gleaning the Meaning

Head Tilt Hopping GIF 

My first word 

was an odd word

Peculiar in its place

Unusual and irregular

Difficult to trace

It was there

to change the outcome

And direction 

of the point 

Though in its way misleading

to shabbily disjoint

A barricade 

to explanation

Which at once 

was good and bad

But when it came 

to chance beginnings

It was the only word I had


Thursday 29 August 2024

Are You Sure!

Yohane You Sure GIF 

A little whisper 

in the ear 

to be passed 

along the line

Changing slightly

as it flows

Which then begins 

to redefine

There is 

no simple reason

Why these methods

will, prevail

Until absurdities

are verified

Or we discount 

The untried tale

If what you hear 

upsets you

With ideas that

make you cry

You have a right 

to not be guided 

Without proof

One must ask why

How to effectively counter a conspiracy theory:

1. Stay Calm and Respectful: Approach the conversation with a calm demeanour and respect for the person’s beliefs. 

2. Hostility can reinforce their views. Listen Actively: Understand their perspective and concerns. This helps you address their specific fears and misconceptions.

3. Use Credible Sources: Provide facts from reputable sources. Use scientific studies, expert opinions, or credible news outlets to support your counterarguments. 

4. Encourage Critical Thinking: Ask open-ended questions encouraging them to think critically about their beliefs. For example, “What evidence supports that idea?” or “Have you considered the opposite perspective?” 

5. Identify Logical Fallacies: Gently point out any logical inconsistencies in the theory. Explain why certain claims don’t hold up under scrutiny. 

6. Share Personal Stories: If applicable, share personal experiences or narratives that illustrate the reality of the situation, making it relatable.

7. Focus on Common Values: Find common ground and focus on shared values or concerns, helping to establish a connection based on mutual understanding. 

8. Be Patient: Changing deeply held beliefs takes time. Don’t expect instant results; instead, be available for ongoing discussions.

9. Know When to Withdraw: If the conversation becomes unproductive or hostile, be willing to walk away. Only some discussions will lead to a change in belief. 

These strategies can help create a more constructive dialogue around conspiracy theories.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Outsider Blues

Winter Is Coming GIF by Increase Creativity


She felt a draught when entering

Inside that heated room

Which brought on a new uneasiness

A densely covered cloud of gloom 


Pointless making contact yet

There could be no one she would know

No friendship group like-mindedness

Without shared ideas to sow


Her silence then enveloped her

This state of now gave off no thrill

Until that half smile and a friendly nod

Sweetened up that bitter pill




Tuesday 27 August 2024


 Heavy Wind World Meteorological Day GIF

The wind is thrashing up a storm

Leaves are prancing on the trees

Like a broad brush on a canvas

Full of past-shaped refugees


Everything seems muddled up

In a senseless weather bend

Forms of storms upsetting norms

Too fierce to comprehend


Feel the silence slow descending

As the weather passed away

Buried in a future tempest scream

Within sad memories of today



Monday 26 August 2024

The Majesty of BBC

 Bbc Planet Earth GIF


When first the human voice was thrown

Across the land and sea

The weight of worthy listening

Came from the throat of the BBC


It has been the campus of the people

Allowing focus on decision

From the finest forms of intellect

With articulate precision


But for me a lonesome little guy

Who sought a map on which to tour

Finding education by attendance

On finest journeys to explore



The rhyme celebrates the impact of the BBC as a pioneering broadcasting service, highlighting its significance in shaping public discourse and culture through radio and television. It emphasizes the power of the human voice in communication and the responsibility that comes with it. The mention of "worthy listening" suggests that the content produced by the BBC is not just entertainment but also valuable and informative, reflecting its role in responsible journalism and public broadcasting. Overall, it's a tribute to the influence of the BBC in connecting people and facilitating dialogue.

Sunday 25 August 2024

If You Put It That Way

 Futurama Choke On That GIF

In between abundant causes

Are the pathways to effects

Which places causes in the past

Precursors to what’s next


The question is in spite of this

When the cause becomes effect

In itself a weird conundrum

Nonetheless, they still connect


I suppose it could be fair to say

In the beginning, was the cause

Since then it's been 'effects' in charge

That precludes another cause

Though in the end, one must agree

If all effects diminish

There can only be one final cause

To effect a lasting finish



Saturday 24 August 2024


 Bad Luck GIF by Travis

Somewhere in the somewhere else

As yet we’re not sure where

We’re an edgy species travelling

Looking for a fairer share


The more we know brings on disquiet

Feeding on our discontent

To comprehend the different dangers

Which through our conquests circumvent


In waves, the give-and-take persists

To cause chaotic distribution

What once was there is now elsewhere

So what is now is no solution




Tuesday 20 August 2024

The System

The system is predicting

Unsettling times for now

Although the weather

Is behaving

It’s building up a row

The inland rising temperatures

Are giving some concern

Not good to take on too much sun

Danger, danger if you burn

The levels rise and worry us

As nature plans to reestablish 

Greedy mouths have had too much

It’s time to give it back to fish 

Monday 19 August 2024

Monday (2)

Monday Monkey GIF 

Someone said 
it's Monday
It gave me 
quite a jolt
So much so,
I gulped my coffee
As though I'd 
swilled a thunderbolt
Monday morning 
feelings can
Pour darkness
on my gloom
Send me back 
to front my demons
Beneath the sheets 
in my bedroom
I know I can 
get over it
I am a 
Monday morning Brave
Five more 
cups of coffee
Then maybe surf 
the seasick wave

Sunday 18 August 2024

Thinly Disguised

Sunglasses Swag GIF by Nicky Rojo


Was there ever a grander rascal 

Like the one who got away

Owing so much money

Not a penny would he pay

From his early days discovering

How the law was such an ass

He rode the legal process

Where writs and summonses amass

Much loved by all the losers

Who live their lives by getting by

A band of handout hangers-on

Who lacked the confidence to fly

What they failed to notice

In communications slickly spoke

There would be no laughing punchline

He was just a smutty joke 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Recently Written

 Geometric Shapes GIF by The Chemical Brothers

Reassured and sitting calmly

In undemanding cosiness 

Biding time in relaxation

Free of any solemn stress


In my head, there is a buoyancy

Flowing steady where it will

Sweeping out the worthless dust

Creating leeway to infill


Not looking for replacements

Restricting look-alikes

Unconcerned with storylines

Where the partial finish strikes


I’ve made a promise to the page

To discover sixteen forms

Of sentences requiring
Much less intense than cuneiform




Tuesday 13 August 2024

There Will Now Be A Short Break

Whiskey Pouring GIF


Before we go let’s take a dram

That rings the strident bells

Blending many flavours from

The Scottish Whiskey wells


Where the waters of the moorlands

Captured in the Scottish fells

Contrive to blend a famous whiskey

For goodnights and farewells


In a gathering of cask savours

When the weather brings on snow

We’ll share a little snifter

When bells ring it’s time to go


Monday 12 August 2024

Wriggle Room

 Digital Art GIF

Enigmatic entities

That drives our place in space

Subject to spontaneous

Creating wormholes at apace


We’re on the way to other times

Where the dates are inconclusive

Though deciding on a travel plan

Remains as yet elusive


Our dreams of going to and fro

Undeniably compelling

Convolutions not yet understood

So right now, no way of telling


A poetic wormhole 

Sunday 11 August 2024

Change Occurs

Blue Aesthetic GIF 

Darkness has a gentle way

Of turning into night

Then quietly it ebbs away

To make room for the light


That’s the way it is each day

The East and West divide

Out of synchronicity

With the turning of the tide


Ever since the water’s edge

Murmured memories in foam

Offering time to think again

Of other ways back home 

Saturday 10 August 2024


 Flashing Effects GIF


‘Now’ is where you realise

That being is a quest

Working with the rule of four

Where solutions are expressed


Thinking future possibilities

A game of past and planning

Now and Then and Coming Soon

With lessons learned by scanning


If you find by hand as reading this

You’ll get ideas on future cast

Though prospects work on bit by bit

Where looking back is in the past

Friday 9 August 2024


Cliphy Good GIF

Artistic writing is imagining

Free thinking by the rules

Like a symphony of sentences

On the tail of precious jewels


Words much more than characters

Elevates a brand-new age

Notation captivation stirred

Fulfils a waiting page


Descriptions bright encryptions

From a box of secret signs

Something not yet thought about

To direct and realign

Thursday 8 August 2024

No Turning Back

Money Rain GIF

Alan Turing found a wily way

To break a hidden code

Which in turn brought transformation

Rousing automation to explode


Like a supersonic rocket

Calculations would compute

Providing awesome revelations

Unaware what might impute


Impossible to estimate

The many dangers unforeseen

Providing waves of super slaves

No manual handlers to demean


It was suddenly uncovered

From the fruits of money trees

That the working class no longer

Was the poorest on their knees


What will the greedy hungry do

With massive wealth, they cannot spend

But fill the churches helplessly

Where Cornucopia Brings ‘The End’

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Bad Eyes

 Cartoon Cat Sees You GIF

Eyesight we’re told

fades away

Invariably down 

to our age

Causing a squint 

when scanning a print

Or adjustments 

when turning a page

When light is reduced

Then likewise our sight

Is like hiding 

in corners unlit

Just as muscles grow slack

Causing pain in the back

Our peepers excused 

as unfit

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Copernican Fixation

 Tea Time Swimming GIF by Rebecca Rothman

Why does the sun 

Which is fixed out in space 

Seem apparent  

As if by decree

I suspect that the sun 

Has discovered like me 

To get a rise out of 

Drinking some tea

Is this why that tea

In the morning

Gives my teapot

Good things to do

Cosy and warm

Like the sunlight

A toasty accompaniment brew

Monday 5 August 2024

The Fate of my Feet

Toes Owie GIF 

Is it my fate to follow my feet

Anywhere they get up to go

Do they decide if we walk, or we ride

If they do, then how do they know


Some days my feet are beyond me

Impatient they don’t care to wait

Who knows if my toes are tagging along

If my feet are defining their fate


Surely selecting the style of my shoes

Adding comfort and bounce more of late

Distracting my stand-up positions

Finding places in fate more sedate




Sunday 4 August 2024

Pardonnez mon français

Kiy French GIF


I must confess to being épris

With the influence of French

So many language parallèles

In spoken Anglais we entrench


It’s not the verb or how we say it

Or acknowledged similarité

In private when we tête-à-tête

Dip in our out conveniently


Sel et poivre sprinkled tastefully

Elegantly we purvey

A sort of twisted doublespeak

Indulge Anglais Français parlais

What a truly marvellous event: Viva La France

Supporter Glasses Olympic Phryge GIF



Saturday 3 August 2024

L'art du vol

Happy Girl GIF by BellaKatDesignCo


A magic motivator

Spellbound passing by

A broomstick calculator

On the lighter side of high 


With Hubble Bubbly content

Of snappy Cookbook remedies

Can cast a witch-way condiment

In a range of potpourris 


With black cat-style charisma

She has a warlock way with words

Colour coding the miasma 

Turning crow's feet into birds


Thursday 1 August 2024


Get Drunk Whatever GIF


Writing stuff on purpose 

Is not my favourite game

I struggle when I have to think

Avoiding trite and tame


Bunkum would seem better

Than melancholy sides of me

As then it seems I ask too much

Of obligation poetry 


Thankfully I get another shot

Revisiting in hindsight

Making nuanced alterations

With the benefit of mindsight