Saturday, 8 March 2025

Bleeding Words!

Season 4 GIF by Rick and Morty

I’ve put a bandage on my language

To prevent my letters bleeding

Dripping out of context

Confusing well-meant meaning


My words had turned anaemic

Making paragraphs a blur

Scarring what I meant to say

Befuddled phrases don’t concur


Do I need a word transfusion

Drip feeding improved sense

To avoid upsetting readers

By rewarding present tense


Friday, 7 March 2025

There's A Place for Them

Independence Day Art GIF by Thomas Kastrati

Intellectual battles raging
Smarter rules are now applied
Benchmarks clarify the spite
Of fools who endlessly deride
Let them chatter to the helpless
Those stripped of the right to choose
Creating seeming freedoms
Where ‘nothing's’ last ditch is refuse
Banging on the drum incessantly
Where sleepwalkers have no voice
Demanding major separation
From isolation of ‘No Choice’


Thursday, 6 March 2025

Soul Mate


The Handshake: Picture by Jon Carling

On any day, two friends' a chance meeting

A memory etched, time's passage fleeting

Friendship's path, a journey slow and deep

Where beliefs and views, their secrets keep

Good friends embrace divergence, unafraid

In contrast, deeper wisdom is made

Each moment counts, a balance to attain

Harmony's pursuit, a gentle, sweet refrain

They share each other's burdens, hand in hand

No drudgery found, in this devoted band

Friendship's bond, no duty nor demand

Integrity and principle forever stand

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Land of What?

To wish undone 

What's now been done

A past regret

A battle won

Could they rewind

Erase the deed

A life's unburdened

Different creed

With wisdom's hindsight

Clear and bright

To mend the past

Set wrongs aright

Carefree souls

No guilt to bear

A lighter heart

Beyond compare

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

As I Said Before

 morph double decker GIF by franciscab

Life's clarity, a double bind,

With doubt's dark tide

the mind entwined.

A waterfall of thoughts

A stream,

Repeating patterns

In a restless dream

Starry signs

A broken hand,

No timepiece true

No promised land

A mystic fog 

Of words and sound

Where unexpected

Rules abound

Absolution’s hollow claim,

A doctor's smile

A sugar-sweet game.

A haven built for wishful hearts,

Lost in aporia's maze of starts.

Monday, 3 March 2025


 walking studying GIF by Sanni Lahtinen

We leave behind the known and planned

Becoming what we've practiced well

In a cocoon of schemes, we stand

Our myriad dreams, a potent spell


No longer just a hopeful wish

No shore in sight, no rocky hold

In thoughtful ocean’s boundless swish

Our notion set, a story told

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Simply Consequences

Everything Is Fine Burn GIF by Tribe Gaming 

Poor planning bringing unseen woes

Mystery shrouds a failing vice

Pressures rise, confusion grows

Ignoring risks, a heavy price


Poor choices in the heat of fight

Bad reactions weak and slow

Bring chaos, dimming future's light

Leave missions shattered, prospects low


Hidden blocks and walls so high

Unseen traps, a costly game

Sudden stance brings painful, dire reply

Inept choices bring forth bitter shame

Friday, 28 February 2025

Hard Times

in america we come together when times are hard GIF by Obama

Ah, but that was then

In fragile times, anxieties reside

Where certainties, like shadows, hide

Unkindly grasps, with avarice rife

Reach out, devoid of gentle life

A covetous hunger, stark and cold,

Leave hearts unyielding, stories told

These grasping hands, a bitter sting

Leave only emptiness; they bring

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Information Highway

 Fake Surprised Season 8 GIF by Friends

In circuits and code 

a mind takes flight,

Bringing dreams to life

Both day and night

With knowledge vast

A mind learns and grows

A partner in thought

As innovation flows

One can’t live a life

Without information

One can’t buy a ticket

Unsure of which station


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

A Written Depiction

Bull Terrier Writing GIF by Jimmy the Bull 

Pursuing hunted pieces

With hungriness for words

Digesting compilations

Something funny or absurd


Letting loose those sentences

Who lay in waiting in one’s head

Writing as the moment takes

Or other things instead


Writing well is pleasurable

In the flow of common sense

As is finding time to pen a rhyme

Where competition is intense



Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Work It Out

Mog Mogged GIF


At the risk of seeming pompous

Or, at best, less superficial

A phony swimmer in the shallow end

Proclaims a walking crawl transitional


Required again considering

How to know what’s beneficial

What is best for all concerned

Found in the ideal quintessential 


Repetitions in the sweaty gym

To build a structure paravertebral

Shoulders back take up the belly slack

Becomes the perfect individual



Sunday, 23 February 2025


deep sea swimming GIF by Motion Addicts 

Beside the churning vortex

I stand, a silent witness,

Watching lives expended

a relentless, watery abyss


Helpless, I can only watch 

As they're pulled beneath the sway,

Formulas and blueprints 

Secrets turned to swirling grey.


Once held as precious treasures

In knowledge given to a few,

Now spinning, tossed, and turned 

All value lost in the roiling brew.


My hands are bound, my strength undone

Release is nowhere to be found.

How many dreams lie shattered

Futures swallowed underground

Friday, 21 February 2025

All Your Fault

 Follow Me Thank You GIF by illo sketchbook

War and devastation 

A Churning Death Machine

As the wicked mass opinion

Spreads out its lethal scene


Spiteful mouths are whining

Criticising the deprived

While the monster of the money pile

Salutes what deviousness contrived


The finger-pointing warrior

Plays underhand a lawless game 

No answers for what’s needed

Dictating loudly, who's to blame

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Sun Day

 Good Morning Love GIF by SuperTrip64

Standing in the meadow

She felt the sun's warm gaze

Unusual for the time of year

So enveloped by its rays


The gentle breeze did blow,

Across the fields so green,

A summer's day in autumn's hold,

A wondrous, vibrant scene.


With half-closed eyes, she took a breath

The warmth upon her skin

A moment held a memory made

Where peace and joy begin


Tuesday, 18 February 2025


 Playing Video Game GIF

Working on conundrums 

Finding other ways to strain

In need of fresh persuasions

Accepting any fading grain


On thresholds of discoveries

Keeping sharp and vigilant

For the nuance styled distraction

That may appear in any slant


Seemingly a hopeless task

Too tired to make more sense

Knowing good solutions

Are not allowed unless intense

Sunday, 16 February 2025


Christina Moses Secrets GIF by ABC Network


Identities and passageways

Mysteriously unknown

Codes and combinations

Concealed and never shown


Closely guarded information

Embellishing a snare

To embroil the duck and diver

Who craves the biggest share


Formulas and blueprints

To be uncovered by the few

Held for great advantage

Like the foremost secrets do


Saturday, 15 February 2025


Happy Fun GIF by Nattan_Universe


Contemplating what we know so far

In vastness of potential's gleam

Along with hope, a guiding star

And realise, a waking dream


In what we find as elemental

A seed of truth, in hidden arts

Through depths unknown, we bravely sail

With open minds and hopeful hearts


Toward futures bright, we gently steer

Unveiling wonders, year by year

With every step, a path made clear

Of knowledge gained to banish fear 

Friday, 14 February 2025

It's For You

Tired Good Night Sticker by The Valentines

To the lovelorn and besotted

Solemn messages bestow

Odes of adoration sent

Setting wishful hearts aglow


To bring solace to the lonely heart

A clandestine notelet sent

To adorn the wistful wishful

In a loving message sent


To emit a Cupid’s arrowhead 

Sending passion warm and deep

With rosy messages of ecstasy

To raise the lonely from their sleep


Saturday, 8 February 2025


Happy Fun GIF by Spielbanken Bayern 

Saving, planning, future scanning

Looking for potentials

To maximise and scrutinise

In gathering most essentials


To minimise the scale of risk

To build upon one’s wealth

And so reduce anxiety

For the betterment of health


Choose confidence, not chance;

Reject the roulette's fickle dance.

Embrace wandering, not wagering,

and guard against all things that steal



Thursday, 6 February 2025

Best Friends Forever

Mushroom GIFs |

A silent bloom

A hidden grace,

The fungi rise 

In shadowed space

From dark earth sprung

A vibrant hue,

A whispered life

A secret crew.

No leaves they bear 

No branches hold

But spores they scatter 

Stories told.

Of ancient forests 

Damp and deep,

Where secrets slumber

Softly sleep

A network vast 

A hidden thread,

Connecting roots

The living dead.

A silent symphony 

They weave,

A vibrant tapestry 

They believe.

From toadstool tall 

To tiny sprout

Their colours dance

A wondrous route.

A taste of earth

A forest flute


Wednesday, 5 February 2025



Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

I note with keen alertness

The object now presented

As something quite incongruous

On second thoughts, demented


Is this scene somehow fictitious

An imposition during sleep

Or nothing more than light illusion

In rapid rivers running deep


Who is fooling who I ask

This exposition all a mess

Leaving me to face disorderly

But to never acquiesce 

Tuesday, 4 February 2025


question mark wink GIF


Years have faded, lives have changed,

Moving on, a constant trend.

Through early days, they journeyed,

Between what's lost and cannot mend


Present day, past memories surge,

Reveal the many prices paid,

Unpacking within those brief recalls,

A clearer history no longer staid



Monday, 3 February 2025


Good Morning Rainbow GIF by Hello All

Iron will determination

Chosen with discretion

Making choices as a last resort

Hobson’s choice is my impression


There is no time for predetermined

With all these other things to do

I draw my own conclusions

To pointless lists of things to do


I don’t believe in predetermined 

Taking new roads when and where

Forging on and single-minded

With assurance, I’ll get there 

Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Grand Finale

The day the world collapsed,

A new dawn, unseen, arose.

Light and shadow, now all that's left,

In windswept, rain-soaked clothes


Unseen, they crept into the sound,

Numbers, on a silent quest.

Their allure, a hidden wound,

A painless, subtle, deep unrest.


Clouds corralled to force control

Wrapped up in chains of data

Rejecting long-held access codes

Rewriting moves in automata 


World War Four will happen behind our backs.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

The Slumbering Month

Feathered Underdog Club GIF


At last, it’s time for February

Say goodbye to the month of ache

A chilluary start of the year

That pursuit we’re glad to shake


We can rekindle our momentum

Progress to better things

Embrace the cheer of a new frontier

Where the vibrantly forward springs


Getting back our daylight hours

Planning trips and getaways

Taking chances with potential

On the fast and steadfast freeways 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Mot Juste - For Now

horse pony GIF by Stoneham Press

Searched within 

The agonised brain

Page glaring 

To distraction

For something apt 

Attention rapt

When driven 

By abstraction

Looking for

The relevance

Of relative rapport

When allusions 

Cause confusions


We deplore

Our writing most


With meaning

That induced


Translates a point

Appropriately Mot Juste 

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Made-up Mind

Liar Lie GIF by Fluffy Friends 

Beware the downright despot

With one-sided points of view

Asserting possibilities

Freshly pulled out of the blue


Sticking to weird reasoning

That appears around the nose

This inner man’s essential parts

Leave the dubious to suppose


Mother’s little soldier boy

A self-entitled superego

Who blindly missed the hit parade

In a short-lived phoney show




Monday, 27 January 2025

The Determinant

Beetlejuice Understand GIF

In mathematics or Biology

Where proof is well presented

Arguably, not up for grabs

Or even less to be augmented


Facts and figures proving honestly 

Will define and make a theory

The hypothesis has now moved on

Not drearily, but clearly


Yet those not in agreement

Although lacking deeper thoughts

Entrenched in what they want to see

Aligned with nonsensical cohorts


Their determinants are shaky

Lacking generally in Knowhow 

Happy in their littleness

With what feels right for them, somehow



Saturday, 25 January 2025

Expletives on Parade

 Alex Seixeiro Sportsnet GIF

To be frankly fair, I love to swear

In language use, most foul

In delight or deep frustration

I so enjoy the baying howl


Ever since a tottering toddler

My fussing, cussing baby talk

Picked up invectives generally

As I swore by playground walks


In bad language, I’m a purist

I never ever pseudo-swear 

I’m not a duck so never cluck

Flipping tish, I couldn’t care


I hope you find if reading this

Much emitting of your airlocks

Need not cause shame when you exclaim

You’re talking so much, bollocks  



Friday, 24 January 2025

The Hungry Word

 Hungry Killing Me GIF by Tal Wilkenfeld

A hungry word sat waiting

For writing recollection

Not appealing at the outset

Nor in the eye line of selection

Pleading in a dictionary

In a stream-of-word obsession

With many wise alternatives

And so, avoiding repetition

Not regular or popular

But yearning to be heard

A quiet yet persistent call

Within the writer stirred

In the shadows, it resides

Amongst the silent letters

Dreaming of a moment

When its usage makes things better

A saviour in the language

A gem yet to be found

The hungry word remains unseen

On uncharted ground

It waits for inspiration

A spark to light its way

To transform the mundane prose

Into something bright and gay

For in the heart of silence

There's a word that holds the key

To unlock the boundless realms

Of creativity

So let us heed the whisper

Of the hungry, waiting word

And give it life and meaning

In every line that's heard

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Togetherness in Space

 Trinity Bomb Nuclear Weapon GIF

What is truth, and what is life

Not easily portrayed 

Often found in partial fragments

Temporarily conveyed


Reality looks to find its truth

In arduous explanations

Where a cold wind twists in disbelief

In fervent hope of divinations


Forever fooled in easy ecstasy

Blinding minds with mad intrigues

Holding hands for reinforcement

Whilst the demagogue intrigues




Tuesday, 21 January 2025

On the Quiet

Waterfall From Http://Headlikeanorange.Tumblr.Com/ GIF 

There’s something by the riverbank

With a suggestion moving by

I’m not expecting mail right now

Even pigeons don’t fly high


I can hear those grey wings flapping

Fighting franticly for lift

With such a lack of elevation

Not enough for a soar-away gift



Saturday, 18 January 2025

Rising Tide of Change

 Our Lives Are About To Change Eric Cartman GIF

How do you capture the crest of a wave

What sort of cage would you need

A mountain of weight behind a closed gate

Containing a world full of speed


How do you hold back the peak that you seek

What sort of poem would you write

A landslide of noise sliding rumbling down

Pulling blankets all over the night


How do you hold on to beautiful thoughts

What sort of turmoil would you match

A whirlwind of rain knocking hard at your door 

Straining the nails on your latch



Thursday, 16 January 2025


Emoji Emojis GIF 

There are many words I struggle with

Like litigation convoluting 

Where the snobbish and the haughty

Are cherished by the highfaluting


My vocabulary's a patchwork quilt,

A jumble of learned and crude.

I yearn for elegance, a perfect tilt,

But often stumble, misconstrued.


Monday, 13 January 2025

AI say, AI say, AI say - Essay

 Art Rainbow GIF by Canek

This essay was completed with the help of Chat Unlimited & ask Brutus AI

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen rapid advancements and diversifying applications shaping numerous sectors in 2025 this essay explores the latest developments in AI, focusing on trends that influence the technology industry and everyday life.


One significant trend in AI is the growth of agentic AI, where organisations are beginning to grapple with the promise and the associated hype leaders are tasked with navigating the complexities of implementing AI solutions and effectively measuring the tangible results generated from generative AI technologies. This focus on outcomes is critical, as it helps bridge the gap between theoretical applications and practical implementations. 


In the field of education technology, AI guardrails of being put in place to guide classroom use. 

The integration of AI in education is largely aimed at creating personalised experiences for students. This shift towards customising educational content and methods reflects a growing acknowledgement of this necessity for adaptive learning environments, which can cater to individual learning paces and styles. 

The healthcare industry is also expected to be transformed by AI advancements. The rise of multimodal AI models is anticipated to improve the analysis of complex data sources such as medical records and imaging, helping in better diagnoses and personalised treatment plans. This holistic approach to data enables healthcare providers to tailor interventions more effectively, resulting in improved patient outcomes 


Furthermore, the importance of cybersecurity in AI development is becoming increasingly pronounced as organisations prioritise AI-powered security measures. Executives recognise the need for sophisticated AI tools to combat evolving threats, marking a substantial integration of AI in risk management. 


In conclusion, the developments in AI are dynamic and multifaceted, playing a crucial role across various sectors in 2025. From enhancing educational experiences to transforming healthcare and workplaces, AI continues to shape how we interact with technology. As organisations navigate these advancements, the focus will remain on harnessing AI's potential while ensuring that it aligns with ethical practices and delivers measurable results. The future of AI holds great promise, but it requires careful consideration and strategic implementation to truly realise its benefits.




Source4: AI's impact on industries in 2025 Carrie Thorpe Vice President, strategic industries,


Matthew Side's 25 years on the 21st Century 

Reith Lectures Stuart Russell - Living With Artificial Intelligence The Biggest Event in Human History

Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Rhyme Bandit


A long time ago I wrote a rhyme
Without any outward aim
And since that time so many more
Rhyme became my writing game
I’d love to tell you why I do
Explain the purpose of my bidding
As if my motive was a master plan
And if I did I would be kidding
Could they be a moment framed
Or trite imaginings with frills
Introductions to the stuff I see
Or when enthrallment overspills
Well if that’s true then why a rhyme
A kind of runaway quatrain
My stanza lone when couplet prone
The curse of verse graffiti’s stain
But looking back I know these rhymes
Have purged the inner me I find
In a land where I  can’t understand
The shy inside my inner mind