Friday 31 May 2024


Byuntear Pato Donald GIF 

Big Mother is Watching You!

The USA was taken to the brink
By rogues and mischief diehards

Claiming falsity of outcomes

Among their shameful disregards


“The vote was rigged against me”

The loser President declared

With aims to spark a civil war

The constitution left impaired


He tried to rig the vote himself

A conversation was recorded

To win the hearts of many lightweights

Of which a string of lies afforded


A nation once conceived in Liberty

Forging futures nevertheless 

To proudly build a national guild

From the Gettysburg Address


Asserting a birth of freedoms

In government for and by people

Creating laws and institutions

In towering truth beneath a steeple


When tyrants came a calling

Underrating law denied

Fools on mules rode tattered saddlebags

When finding new lives locked inside


Donald thought he had a trump card

All consequences he could duck

But Bills are Bills and must be paid

The loudest loser’s out of luck



An honest witness does not deceive,

but a false witness pours out lies.

The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.

Stay away from a fool,

for you will not find knowledge on their lips.

The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways,

but the folly of fools is deception.


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