Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Eiffel Tower Paris GIF by Olympics 

You can stick your diamond headgear

Your precious metal wreath

The weight of which

Will make you itch

From topknot to your teeth

Such a garland-jewelled compendium

Say’s little of your garb

To hide behind

That regal bind

Talking waffle with rhubarb

All that ‘Look at me’ refinery

Better served on callipygian

A fancy matt

A clothless hat

Liberties choice      a bonnet Phrygian 

Phrygian Cap 

Vous pouvez coller votre coiffe en diamant

Votre couronne de métal précieux

Dont le poids

Te donnera des démangeaisons

Du nœud de tête jusqu'aux dents

Un tel ensemble orné de guirlandes

Ne dit pas grand-chose de ta tenue

Pour se cacher derrière

Ce lien royal

Parler de gaufres à la rhubarbe

Toute cette raffinerie de « regardez-moi

Mieux servi sur un callipyge

Un mat fantaisie

Un chapeau sans vêtement

Choix des libertés un bonnet Phrygien 

Traduit avec (version gratuite)

Monday, 29 July 2024

Deep in Thought


The face of thought may not betray
What lies beneath the skin
Thought is not expectancy
Maybe a special mood you’re in

Or a flicker, faint and deep,
A memory, half-forgotten, stirred,
A whispered word, a secret kept,
A truth the soul alone has heard.

Each thought demands your focused mind,
A pause, a moment, left behind.
Write it down until the time
Allows it to unfold sublime.

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Potentially Different

Static Ball GIF


Surrounded by absorbing sounds

driving gears in motion

Super strength at any length

In movement locomotion


Generating heat and light

Vigorous and strong

Attractively magnetically

Can shove or drag along


Equal to the speed of light

Instantaneous when driven

Or part of our location

What we’re born with as a given



Saturday, 27 July 2024

Les Jeux olympiques

 Jeux 2024 Paris 2024 GIF

Ready steady on your marks

Go, go, go, get set

It's time to peak and get a gong

Style and pace that’s not seen yet


A come-together competition 

Where only moments count

A tiny space to play your ace

Climb that National Anthem mount


For these are the Olympic Games

Anticipation holding sway

Tension twisted skin-tight

Par excellence in every way

Gold GIF




Friday, 26 July 2024

Wilder than Springtime

Flowers Butterfly GIF


Sensations in the Meadow 

A Colour choir in harmony

Exultant in their pledge to life

Painting nature splendidly


Dancing blossoms soundlessly

That hooks the artist’s eye

Shades in glades beyond the pale

Mother Nature’s loving sigh


Thursday, 25 July 2024

The Mop Illusion Nonsense

Fly Flying GIF


Gazing into otherness     on Wednesday

Having splish-splashed my brand-new mop

The floor was gleaming brightly

Suddenly the streetlights went flip-flop


As if on cue     the colours flashed and thrashed

All over my new mopped floor

When the scene turned shades of oily green

Too dangerous to run for the door


Word went around     about the trick

That turned the room into reality's swop

Trading places at chessboard speed

Where a knight ran away with my mop



Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Triolet Trip

 Bibipet Cuteanimals GIF

We love a sun vacation pack

Our time away repairs, restores

Sitting easy with a paperback

Day-trip chat with a midday snack

No time constraints relaxed laid back

Delighting on the water shores

Where gurgling rhythms take me back

Our time away repairs, restores


Tuesday, 23 July 2024


Pandemic Social Distance GIF 

Once upon an empty page

Waiting for a storyline

Where any words could make a start

With ideas, I might call mine


A scintillating opener

Magnetic narrative appeal

To draw the reader word by word

Toward a hidden clue reveal


Like a sandbank of red herrings

A shimmering mirage

Like a holiday companion

With the summer sun at large



Monday, 22 July 2024

Tea Up Teacake

 Semaver GIF

Pour my tea out tastefully

Brewed in a pageant pot

Make my teatime dreamlike

As if I’m on a stately yacht


Thin biscuits on a premium plate

Skimmed lightly chocolate-coated

Proffered to a favoured guest

Who has come to be promoted


Oh yes you see I’m fond of tea

Imbibing far more than a tot

Not just stewing teapot brewing

Served from an artful pot



Sunday, 21 July 2024


 Ashita No Joe Joe Yabuki GIF

Doorways metaphorically 

May begin or end a voyage

Where openings can be closings

Contributing to knowledge


Can you say you have a choice?

Making stop-or-start decisions

Going through or holding back

Simply fearful of divisions


Is it insight in the passageway

A second sight or intuition

Or is it merely just a cover-up

For your accustomed disposition

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Holiday Tea

Cup Of Tea English Tea GIF

‘Tea’s-a-Geezer teatime troubadour 

Has packed his bags and on his way

Well-sustained and self-contained

Pots and cups and a silver tray


He’s bet his boots on scenic routes

Quaint places lots of breaks

Where they serve the best hot water

For brewing up the tea he takes


He warms his pot to just-right hot

Inserting leaves then pours to brew

On the darker side of golden brown

Knowing well how this will do


Friday, 19 July 2024

Fly by Sight

 Laron Lalat GIF

Walking on my windowpane

He must have wondered why

Not questioning the science though

For he was just a Fly


This unflagging aviator

First-glass traveller unaware

Caught In a realm of weird sensations 

Had found a way to walk on air


Thursday, 18 July 2024

That's the Way

 Hard Work Pays Off Success GIF by Pudgy Penguins

How to be successful?

Everybody’s ‘must' pursuit

To build a life, reducing strife

Giving neediness the boot 


Perusing ‘How-To’ books and tracks

Drinking glassful positive vibes

Thumbs down on Negativity

And all those can’t do jibes


This time next year we will revere

With purse or wallet loads of cash

Working eighteen hours a day

Until that nervous breakdown crash


They’ll cart us off with beaming smiles

Sedated half asleep

As we dream repeat our mantras

Buckled down and in a heap


Looking on the bright side

In the ‘One of Us’ Top Team

Gathered together one and all

Wishing we could live the dream



Wednesday, 17 July 2024

The Graven Raven's Plan

Picture by Sharon local Cottinham artist

A Raven contemplating

In the passing of the hours

Something stirring in the wind

Gives energy to his powers


Having recently returned again

From a visit to the Tower

Discussing how a perfect plan

Could restore their lift-off power

Collect them all into a dish

Place a pastry case thereby

Do not sing you'll wake the King

As we make off with the pie

Crow Bow GIF

Wikipedia Link 

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Nosey Neighbour

Across the fence I noticed

A next-door neighbour form

Nothing said or passed between

No friendliness yet born


They keep themselves impervious

No idle chat about the weather

Receiving friends and relatives

Who travel far to be together


I observe them in their garden glade

Talking to their plants and creatures

As quietly I blend in sight

Within my garden's pleasant features


Monday, 15 July 2024

Lair of the Manor

Picture by Steve Smallman @SteveRT1

Stately Stan the Dragon man

Has a story up his sleeve

Can’t wait to let you in on it

A wicked tale of make-believe


He bought himself a foothill cave

For people passing by

With tired feet and feeling heat

Could stop awhile and sigh


Some of them would sneak inside

Looking for a dragon’s throne

Unaware a fiery flare

Might cook them to the bone



Sunday, 14 July 2024

Chancy (2)

Chauncey Von Snuffles Iii Guild Wars2 GIF

If time was random as it happened
I'd need to buy
a chancy watch
With arbitrary movements
Fluid ticks
And Floating tocks
Anything might happen unforeseen would come and go
If I hadn't lived at all I can't be sure That I would know

A Random Rhyme

Video Games Walk GIF


Fifty-fifty fair enough

Either can occur 

Two sides of a single coin

Minus outcomes that defer


On a quest for crucial choices

To strengthen good ideas

Pursuing endings favourable

Avoiding all that interferes


Depending on good guesses

Predicting plentiful for all

Slapping backs victoriously

Enjoying pride before the fall